Carmila wins the 2019 « Grand Prix de la Transparence » for the quality of its 2018 Registration Document

Since 2008, the “Grands Prix de la Transparence” has been annually rewarding the quality of the regulated information issued by French companies included from the SBF120 index and identifying the companies that have adopted the best practices in terms of transparency for their Registration Document, Code of Ethics, notice of shareholders meeting and website.
The aim of these Grands Prix is to enable issuers to measure their performance in terms of transparency each year through 201 objective and demanding rating criteria and to identify the industry’s best practices.
This award acknowledges the clarity of Carmila’s strategy and business model as well as the Carmila team’s willingness to adopt the industry’s best practices in terms of communication and information quality since the company went public in July 2017,
Alexandre de Palmas commented: “We are proud of this award which recognizes the quality of Carmila’s communication and its willingness to share with its stakeholders its strategy, its ambitions and the results achieved in a dynamic, simple and transparent manner.”