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Discover Carmila: our shopping centers, our strategy, our governance and our history. Explore our world and our mission.


Embodied in the “Here we act” programme of concrete initiatives, Carmila's CSR strategy permeates the entire company and is built around forty long-term objectives.


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Discover Carmila: our shopping centers, our strategy, our governance and our history. Explore our world and our mission.


Embodied in the “Here we act” programme of concrete initiatives, Carmila's CSR strategy permeates the entire company and is built around forty long-term objectives.


Setting up in our centers
Explore the rental offers in our shopping centers and find the ideal location for your business.


Access all financial information about Carmila. Follow our performance on the stock market and consult our financial reports.


Discover our career opportunities, explore our business lines and apply to join one of our teams.

Here we act for our employees

At Carmila, we place our employees at the heart of our CSR approach. Discover our initiatives for well-being at work and professional fulfilment.


Our commitments

Our 2024 results

Our commitments

Professional Equality Index of 92/100 for the Group

Our 2024 results

Professional Equality Index of 95/100 for the Group*.

*Detail by indicator for France:

  1. Pay gap (%): 34/40
  2. Difference in individual increases (in % points or equivalent number of employees): 35/35
  3. Percentage of employees receiving a pay rise after returning from maternity leave (%): 15/15
  4. Number of employees of the under-represented sex in the 10 highest earners: 10/10

Our commitments

Offer at least one training course to 100% of employees

Our 2024 results

26,8 hours of training per employee on average

Our commitments

Monitor the performance of satisfaction levels

Our 2024 results

Happy at Work Index label awarded


Raising awareness of CSR through training

HR and CSR departments work closely together to promote employee well-being and gender equality. Another priority is to raise employee awareness of sustainable development issues, with the aim of training 100% of employees by 2024. By the end of 2024 this objective will be 99% achieved.

Retaining talent


Whether pertaining to the acquisition of business expertise or personal development, training is essential at Carmila in order to grow, evolve or change jobs. In order to support and improve the skills of marketing and network employees, Carmila has designed a training program dedicated to digital in collaboration with the learning startup On-train, called Digital Academy. Extending over several months, the training, alternating physical meetings and online modules, was led by digital professionals working in large groups. It provides a reminder of basic digital topics as well as those more specific to Carmila's digital strategy (CRM, media, visibility, etc.). The program ended with the analysis and reading of KPIs so that the trained employees can understand and interpret the results expressed, then with a Business Case and a diploma presentation. A more concise version is currently being created to allow other teams and new employees to follow this training.

Wellbeing at work

Partnerships with “Gymlib” for sports, “People & Baby” for crèche places, and the startup “Ça ira encore mieux demain” for individual coaching on returning from maternity leave: Carmila is stepping up its initiatives aimed at making life easier for its employees. In 2024, Carmila launched Boost ton asso, a call for projects among its employees with the aim of supporting associations with a vocation of general interest, solidarity and commitment for which they are volunteers, supporters or beneficiaries. A great initiative that has made it possible to support two associations : 1. Pure Ocean Fund whose mission is to mobilize civil society to support ambitious and innovative scientific projects aimed at protecting biodiversity and fragile marine ecosystems. With an endowment of €2,500, the foundation will be able to continue to support ocean research. 2. Association Grégory Lemarchal whose mission is to fight against cystic fibrosis. With an endowment of €1,500, the association will be able to support the renovation and adaptation project of the Cystic Fibrosis Resource and Competence Center in Nice.

The HappyIndex®AtWork label obtained by Carmila in 2024 is a recognition awarded to companies where employees feel fulfilled and engaged. It is based on the opinions of employees themselves, who assess their well-being at work through several criteria such as the quality of management, the atmosphere, professional development and work-life balance.

In true recognition of the work undertaken in favor of work-study students and interns, Carmila also won the Happy Trainees label in 2024, which recognizes the best companies for completing an internship or work-study program.

2024 annual results presentation

The 2024 annual results presentation of Carmila was held on 12th February 2025. You can watch the replay by clicking here.

You can also view the presentation by clicking here and the press release of the 2024 annual results by clicking here.

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