Specialty Leasing

Our pop-ups, combined with our network of 168 shopping centres in France, are an excellent opportunity for anyone wishing to communicate widely, develop rapidly, experiment and create a direct link with consumers, and for some to become multi-channel, taking advantage of the full potential of physical retailing.
Sales, brand awareness, customer acquisition, loyalty, image, direct and physical links with consumers, test & learn, etc... All good reasons to use a short format for a specific period.
Whatever your goal, our teams are here with flexible, bespoke solutions, adapted in terms of space and duration, to gain access to our shopping centres and benefit from their large audiences:
Specialty Leasing
Pop-up store
"In Carmila shopping centres, we offer 48-hour pop-up sales that enable us to strengthen our presence in strategic areas, recruit new customers and enhance our image based on choice, quality and price. This flexibility allows us to experiment and create a strong bond with consumers, to become the partner of their desires and their projects."
Customer Experience Leader
“Thanks to its modularity and ready-to-use furniture, the Cité Pop'up turnkey shop (Cité Europe) allowed us to set up very quickly and test our first outlet in a shopping centre under the best conditions. We are now opening other shops with Carmila because it gives us the opportunity to grow our fan community and increase our sales, all with the flexibility and responsiveness our model requires. Pop-ups have become a real driver of growth for our brand, complementing our website."
Jonathan PETIT
"Carmila makes it much easier for us to organise our travelling pop-up sales. Their many shopping centres help us reach reach a wide audience throughout France. Their support allows us to concentrate on the essentials. With Carmila, our Hangar concept gains in visibility and efficiency."
Mohamed GUARES
“We decided to open our first pet shops under a temporary lease with Carmila to test our concept in real-life conditions. This format let us quickly confirm the attractiveness of our offering and gain a better understanding of our customers' expectations and the best locations in shopping centres. This positive experience encouraged us to transform these opportunities into long-term commercial leases, and to expand throughout France. Carmila's support has been essential to the success of this transition from the web to physical shops and to our development."
Retail Director
“Pop-ups are a strategic bet for La Chaise Longue: Thanks to this flexible solution, we can complete our national network by targeting key areas where we are not yet present. In this way, we are capturing local customers for Christmas, a crucial period for sales, while testing new markets without any long-term commitment. The experiment has been a success, in terms of both sales and brand awareness."
Bertrand de THOISY
More than 250
pop-up stores open in our centres every year
Over 20%
growth per year, a sustainable and strategic trend in the retail landscape
Up to 1500+
visitors per day on a pop-up
centres operated under speciality leasing
Almost 5,000
occupancies per year
More than 1,250
More than 1,000
repeat customers who place their trust in us time and time again
Up to +50%
uplift in hypermarket sales during brand event campaigns
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