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Discover Carmila: our shopping centers, our strategy, our governance and our history. Explore our world and our mission.


Embodied in the “Here we act” programme of concrete initiatives, Carmila's CSR strategy permeates the entire company and is built around forty long-term objectives.


Setting up in our centers
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Discover Carmila: our shopping centers, our strategy, our governance and our history. Explore our world and our mission.


Embodied in the “Here we act” programme of concrete initiatives, Carmila's CSR strategy permeates the entire company and is built around forty long-term objectives.


Setting up in our centers
Explore the rental offers in our shopping centers and find the ideal location for your business.


Access all financial information about Carmila. Follow our performance on the stock market and consult our financial reports.


Discover our career opportunities, explore our business lines and apply to join one of our teams.

CSR strategy

With our "Here we act" program, we are committed on three fronts: reducing our environmental impact, supporting the local economy and valuing our employees. Our shopping centers become agents of change by reducing their carbon footprint, boosting the local economy and creating an inclusive and fulfilling work environment.

2022_Octobre_Cholet_Visite ferme Lactajoux_B&AProd.jpg

Our performance

-54 %

scopes 1 & 2 carbon emissions vs 2019 (base year)

-59 %

in energy consumption vs 2022

100 %

of significant centres BREEAM certified

100 %

of centre managers have organised a CSR event at their centre


note to the gender equality index

Our awards

SBPR Gold Award

11th place on the SBF 120 in the ranking of women in management bodies

Winner of 6 CUBE FLEX trophies

GRESB: 91/100 Green Star status

CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project): Carmila has been included in the 2024 Climate A List

EPRA: sBPR Award Gold level for the quality of Carmila's non-financial performance declaration

The HappyIndex®AtWork label obtained by Carmila in 2024 is a recognition awarded to companies where employees feel fulfilled and engaged. It is based on the opinions of employees themselves, who assess their well-being at work through several criteria such as the quality of management, the atmosphere, professional development and work-life balance.

In true recognition of the work undertaken in favor of work-study students and interns, Carmila also won the Happy Trainees label in 2024, which recognizes the best companies for completing an internship or work-study program.

Compliance with non-financial reporting standards and benchmarks

Carmila's Universal Registration Document is structured in line with the principles of the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council) set out in its International Framework.

Also, as it does every year, Carmila publishes its Non-Financial Performance Declaration, which corresponds to Chapter 4 of the Universal Registration Document. It is completed at the end of the chapter by a concordance table of CSR indicators, which gives the necessary information for the EPRA, the GRI and for the reporting required by the TCFD.

Standards used:

Application guide from CNCC (Centre National des Centres Commerciaux) / FACT (Fédération des Acteurs du Commerce dans les Territoires)
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) guidelines
EPRA (European Public Real Estate Association)
TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)

Responsible conduct

Carmila is raising awareness among its employees and partners about the fight against corruption.

Every employee signs the "Our Ethical Principles" code of business conduct, which enshrines our rejection of corruption. It incorporates the main commitments of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the conventions of the International Labour Organisation.

As the Ethical Principles are integrated into the Supplier Commitment Charters, our suppliers are also committed to transparent business practices. The Group has set up an ethics whistleblowing system enabling employees and partners to report any situation or behaviour that goes against its principles.

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