Reducing our carbon footprint
Carmila has set itself a major ambition: to contribute to carbon neutrality by 2030 in terms of its scopes 1 and 2 emissions within the framework of a Net Zero approach. With a 54% reduction in emissions, progress is being made, but there is still a lot of work to be done. The first focus, reducing energy consumption in shopping centres, has continued with the deployment of new solutions to control electrical systems even more closely. The challenge is to consume less and at the right times!
Carmila's efforts were rewarded with the CUBE Flex 2023 and 2024 awards for its flexible energy management during peak consumption periods. Our energy renovation of buildings has speeded up. Since 2023, the replacement of equipment (energy switch, adiabatic rooftops) has accelerated: 105 rooftops have been installed in 18 centers, including an experiment with very low GWP gas (R290) in Cap Saran.
The plan to improve the energy mix by encouraging the use of renewable energies has made progress, with the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of centres in Spain. This work will significantly reduce the Group's carbon emissions.